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Full name: Національна бібліотека України ім В. І. Вернадського

Formed according to the decree of Hetman P. P. Skoropadsky from August 2, 1918 as the National Library of the Ukrainian State.

In 1919-1934 it was called the People’s Library of Ukraine.

In 1934 it was transferred to the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and renamed the Library of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1948 – 1965 it was called the "State Public Library of the Ukrainian SSR".

From 1965 it was called the "Central Scientific Library of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences" (CNB), in 1988 it was named after V. I. Vernadsky.

Since 1996, the library has a modern status and name – "V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine."

Official library website:

Library information:

The main building of the library is located in Kyiv on ; some departments work on .

Bibliographical records (41 – 50 / 20752)

List sorting: author, title, A – Z

«Памятники культуры: новые открытия»: содержание ежегодников 1974 – 1988 гг. – «Памятники культуры: новые открытия 1988 г.», М., 1989 г., с. 552 – 568.

«Русская старина»: систематическая роспись 1897 – 1902 гг. – Спб.: тип.«Обществ.польза», 1903 г. – 80 с.

«Сеоба Срба у Руско царство половином 18 века». – Нови Сад : Српско-украjинско друштво : Архив Војводине : Музеј града Новог Сада, 2005. – 568 с.
