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Знание об Украине

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Contemporary path of development of the intergovernmental relationships between the Republic of Lithuania and Ukraine.

Contemporary path of development of the intergovernmental relationships between the Republic of Lithuania and Ukraine. – .

Библиотеки: НБУВ: ІВ222923

Язык издания: английский

Исторический период: 2016 г.

Аннотация (на английском языке):

Historical and current aspects : coll. of articles of the intern. sci. conf., Kharkiv, 11 March, 2016 / Kharkiv dep. of the Students league of the Ukr. bar assoc., Yaroslav Mudryi nat. law univ. of Ukraine, Vilnius univ..


Предметы (2): Литва, Независимая Украина (от 1991 г.)