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Glaskow W. History of the cossacks.

Glaskow W. History of the cossacks. – New York: Robert Speller, . – 163, 16 p.

Язык издания: английский

Аннотация (на английском языке):

1. Introduction;

2. The origin of the cossacks;

3. The myth that the cossacks are of fugitive russian extraction;

4. The myth that the cossacks are a class;

5. The «privileges» of the cossacks;

6. Allotments of cossack land;

7. Tolerance toward those of different opinions, absence of any hostility toward other peoples and absence of racial discrimination;

8. The cossacks as a people;

9. The cossack territory;

10. The cossack administration;

11. Socio-political structure of cossack life, the cossack character and psychology;

12. The historical fortunes of the cossack people and its state;

13. Economic resources of cossackia;

14. Geopolitical and military-strategic positionof cossackia;

15. Military tradition of the cossack people;

16. Revival of the cossack state in 1917-1921;

17. The soviet occupation of cossackia;

18. The cossacks as a group.


Автор: Гласков Василий

Предметы (2): Внутренняя история России, Общие работы о казачестве 1648 – 1783 гг.