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Ottomans - Crimea - Jochids: Studies in honour of Mária Ivanics.

Ottomans - Crimea - Jochids: Studies in honour of Mária Ivanics. – Szeged: . – 373 p.

Язык издания: английский

Аннотация (на английском языке):

Klára Agyagási К вопросу о хронологии изменения -d(r)- > -δ(r)- > -y(r)- в волжско-булгарских диалектах 13

László Balogh Notes to the History of the Hungarians in the 10th Century 23

Hendrik Boeschoten Bemerkungen zu der neu gefundenen Dede Korkut-Handschrift, mit einer Übersetzung der dreizehnten Geschichte 35

Csáki Éva Kaukázusi török népek kálváriája a népdalok tükrében 47

Éva Csató and Lars Johanson On Discourse Types and Clause Combining in Däftär-i Čingiz-nāmä 59

Balázs Danka A Misunderstood Passage of Qādir ʿAli-beg J̌ ālāyirī’s J̌āmī at-Tawārīχ 71

Géza Dávid The Formation of the sancak of Kırka (Krka) and its First begs 81

Mihály Dobrovits Pofu Qatun and the Last Decade of the Türk Empire 97

Pál Fodor A Descendant of the Prophet in the Hungarian Marches Seyyid Ali and the Ethos of Gaza 101

Tasin Gemil The Tatars in Romanian Historiography 111

Csaba Göncöl Remarks on the Čingiz-nāmä of Ötämiš Ḥāǰǰī 123

Funda Güven Imagined Turks: The Tatar as the Other in Halide Edip’s Novels 133

Murat Işık The Animal Names in the Book of Leviticus of the Gözleve Bible (1841). Part I: Mammal, Insect and Reptile Species 145

Henryk Jankowski The names of professions in historical turkic languages of the Crimea 165

Mustafa S. Kaçalin Joannes Lippa: Türkçe Hayvan Masalları 181

Bayarma Khabtagaeva On some taboo words in yeniseian 199

Éva Kincses-Nagy Nine Gifts 215

Raushangul Mukusheva The presence of shamanism in kazakh and hungarian folklore 229

Sándor Papp The Prince and the Sultan. The Sublime Porte’s practice of confirming the power of christian vassal princes based on the example of Transylvania 239

Benedek Péri Places full of secrets in 16th century Istanbul: the shops of the maʿcūncıs 255

Claudia Römer “Faḳīr olub perākende olmaġa yüz ṭutmışlar” the Ottoman struggle аgainst the displacement of subjects in the early modern period 269

András Róna-Tas A birthday present for the Khitan empress 281

Uli Schamiloglu Was the Chinggisid khan an autocrat? Reflections on the foundations of Chinggisid authority 295

Hajnalka Tóth Entstehung eines auf Osmanisch verfassten Friedenskonzepts Ein Beitrag zu der Vorgeschichte des Friedens von Eisenburg 1664 311

Вадим Трепавлов Мосκовсκий Чаган хан 325

Беата Варга «Крымская альтернатива» – военно-политический союз Богдана Хмельницкого с Ислам-Гиреем III (1649–1653) 331

Barış Yılmaz Deconstruction of the traditional hero type in Murathan Mungan’s Cenk Hikayeleri 339

Илья Зайцев – Решат Алиев Фрагмент ярлыка (мюльк-наме) крымского хана Сахиб-Гирея 355

István Zimonyi Etil in the Däftär-i Čingiz-nāmä 363


Деятель: Иванич Мария

Предметы (3): Другие вопросы истории Золотой Орды, Сборники работ по истории Крымского ханства, Турция