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Жарких М. І. Міфічні «київські князі» з міфічної «путивльської династії».

Жарких М. І. Міфічні «київські князі» з міфічної «путивльської династії». – К.: р. (Мережева публікація)

Language of edition: ukrainian

Historical period: 1654

1. Any Putivl princedom was never existed as a separate inheritance; reasoning about it – improper exaggeration of source references about the temporary stay of the princes in Putivl.

2. In the absence of other, more specific information about the «Putivl princes», one should consider the «Putivl» records of the «List of Prince Constantine» as a result of the fantasy of the scribe of 1654.

3. This also applies to the «Kyiv Prince» Ioann Vladimir Ivanovich, who also should be considered fictitious.

4. No «dynasty» can be formed from these records, and it is impossible even to tentatively determine the lifetime of recorded persons. Belonging to «Ivan-Vladimir of Kyiv» to this «dynasty» is an ungrounded assumption.


Author: Zharkikh Mykola Ivanovych (1956 –)

Geographical object: Putyvl

Subjects (3): 13 – 16-cent. political history, Kyiv in 13 – 16 cent., Myths in the history of Ukraine