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Ногін Є. В. Неоліт північно-східної України.

Ногін Є. В. Неоліт північно-східної України. – К.: О. Філюк, р. – 580 с.

Language of edition: ukrainian

This book summarizes the materials from Neolithic settlements of North-East Ukraine, which has been accumulated through the tireless work of several generations of Ukrainian archaeologists over 130 years of research. Three large territorial groups of Neolithic settlements: Dnipro-Desnyanska, Desnyansko-Seymynska and Posulsko-Vorsklynska were allocated. The analysis of Neolithic cultures in these areas was carried out, preliminary identified the mechanism of moving from Mezolithic to Neolithic and further development of the local population, its interaction with neighboring Neolithic cultures areas as well as the chronology and consequences of these processes.


Author: Nogin Jevgen Volodymyrovych

Subject: Neolithic