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Sichynsky V. Ukrainian architecture of the 17 and 18 centuries.

Sichynsky V. Ukrainian architecture of the 17 and 18 centuries. – UQ, , № 1, p. 42 – 51.

Language of edition: english

Historical period: 17 – 18 cent.

Abstract (in Ukrainian):

«Українська архітектура 17 – 18 ст.» Пам’ятки у Києві, Чернігові, Полтаві, Бережанах, Батурині.


Author: Sichynskyj Volodymyr Juxymovych (1894 – 1962)

Geographical objects (3): Baturyn, Berezhany, Poltava

Subjects (3): Architecture days Hetmanate, Chernigiv monuments, Kyiv monuments