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Знання про Україну

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Comprehending the Past: Soviet Visions, Post-Soviet Revisions and Modern Concepts in "Ukrainian Historical Journal" (1957 - 2017)

Comprehending the Past: Soviet Visions, Post-Soviet Revisions and Modern Concepts in "Ukrainian Historical Journal" (1957 - 2017) – Kyiv: Akademperiodyka, . – 356 p.

Мова видання: англійська

Історичний період: 1957 р.

Анотація (англійською мовою):

Ed. V. Smolii; Comp.: H. Boriak, O. Donik, O. Yas. Institute of History of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine.

This book elucidates complex and long process of the «Ukrainian Historical Journal» transformation from the republican professional publication, founded in 1957 to a modern journal of Ukrainian historians. Esseys and materials connected with the journal’s history are published in two main segments: 1) materials covering the history of Ukraine in the Soviet and post-Soviet times; 2) esseys with analytical interpretation of journal’s publications and its changes with regards to the defi nite problems, topics, periods and epochs of the history of Ukraine, in particular, history of the Middle Ages and early modern history, history of the XIX — the early XX centuries, the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921, inter-war and post-war history of Soviet Ukraine, Ukrainian dimension of the history of World War II, and also studying the problems of the world history in the journal’s publications, etc.


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