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Знання про Україну

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Gordon L. Cossack rebellion: social turmoils in the sixteens-century Ukraine.

Gordon L. Cossack rebellion: social turmoils in the sixteens-century Ukraine. – Albany: . – 289 p.

Мова видання: англійська

Історичний період: 16 ст.

Анотація (англійською мовою):

1. The «Wild steppe» and its peoples

1. The land

2. The people

3. The rulers

2. The time of troubles

4. The sixteenth-century crisis

3. The cossacks

5. Frontiersmen: the opportunities of the steppe

6. Warriors: military organization and technique

7. The register: disciplining the unruly child

4. Kosinsky and the first rebellion

8. Cossacks against infidels: piracy and polish politics

9. Personal grievances, social banditry

10. The nature of cossack insurgency

11. The nature of aristocratic defense

12. The ambiguity of defeat

5. Nalivaiko and the second rebellion

13. Divisions and conflicts of interest

14. Mercenary diplomacy

15. Urban revolt

16. Holy war

17. Peasant rebellion

18. A royal victory?



Автор: Гордон Лінда

Предмети (2): Виникнення козацтва, Війни Косинського і Наливайка