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Знання про Україну

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Kulchytsky S. The Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine: An Anatomy of the Holodomor.

Kulchytsky S. The Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine: An Anatomy of the Holodomor. – Edmonton, Toronto: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, . – 175 р.

Мова видання: англійська

Історичний період: 1932 – 1933 рр.

Анотація (англійською мовою):

Translated from the Ukrainian by Ali Kinsella.

The Famine of 1932–1933 in Ukraine: An Anatomy of the Holodomor is a distillation of thirty years of study of the topic by one of Ukraine’s leading historians. In this account, Stanislav Kulchytsky ably incorporates a vast array of sources and literature that have become available 0in the past three decades into a highly readable narrative, explaining the motives, circumstances and course of this terrible crime against humanity.


Автор: Кульчицький Станіслав Владиславович (1937 р. –)

Предмет: Голодомор 1932 – 1933 рр.