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Abrahamowicz Z. Comments on three letters by khan Islam Gerey_3 to the Porte: 1651.

Abrahamowicz Z. Comments on three letters by khan Islam Gerey_3 to the Porte: 1651. – HUS, , v. 14, p. 132 – 143.

Language of edition: english

Historical period: 1651

Abstract (in Ukrainian):

«Коментар до 3 листів хана Іслам-Гірея_3 до Порти: 1651 р.»


Author: Abrahamowicz Zygmunt (1923 – 1990)

Personality: Islam-Girej 3rd (1604 – 1654)

Subjects (2): Political history of the Crimean khanate, Political history of the Turkey