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Abrahamowicz Z. Die türkische Herrschaft in Podolien: 1672 – 1699.

Abrahamowicz Z. Die türkische Herrschaft in Podolien: 1672 – 1699. – «Actes du 1-r congrès international des Études Balcaniques et Sud-Est Européennes», Sophia, , t. 3, p. 777 – 780.

Libraries: НБУВ: В270915/3

Language of edition: german

Historical period: 1672 – 1699

Abstract (in Ukrainian):

«Турецьке панування на Поділлі: 1672 – 1699 рр.»


Author: Abrahamowicz Zygmunt (1923 – 1990)

Geographical object: Podillja

Subjects (2): Podillja as part of Lithuania and Poland (1374 – 1793), Turkish domains on the ukrainian and neighboring lands